These Are Traveler Samantha Brown’s Trusted Packing Hacks

We all love to go on vacation, but what’s that one thing that most of us hate and, at times, kills our excitement? Yes, you guessed it right, it’s packing! How many dresses are too many dresses, what accessories go with them, how to put everything in that one suitcase, and so many other similar questions start haunting us weeks before we actually leave for the trip. This is when you can put all your trust in Samantha Brown, a woman who’s traveled to over 60 countries and holds two Emmys for PBS for her work on Samantha Brown’s Places to Love. Here’s how she manages to have the most fun throughout the trip, along with the daunting task of packing!

Plan Your Wardrobe

One of the first tips that Brown has to offer is to plan all your outfits for every occasion. From evening dresses to hiking shoes, plan everything. This way, you can avoid overpacking and save space for what’s really necessary. She added that you could also color coordinate clothes and carry one neutral pant with more than one top or T-shirt. Also, try not to carry a million pairs of footwear because they can take up too much space. Basically, coordination is the key here!

Switch Your Toiletries From Single-Use Plastic to Better Options

According to Brown, you can save your suitcase space by trading your toiletries. Instead of big plastic bottles, she recommends backpackers carry shampoo and conditioner bars. Also, you can start carrying a one-time-use toothbrush and replace your toothpaste with its tablets. This can not only help you make better choices but is also an eco-friendly initiative if you want to travel long-term.

Use Every Inch in Your Suitcase

Why waste any corner when you can use it all? Well, Brown believes in not leaving behind any space, even between the handles of the bag. Wherever you see space, stuff small items such as your underwear, socks, small bottles, roll-up skirts, and other light clothing items. In fact, she packs her delicate items even inside the shoes to utilize all the space.

Use Vacuum Bags for Children

If you’re planning to have your kids along with you for your travel, Brown suggests taking vacuum bags with you. These bags are perfect for dropping in all the dirty clothes and then rolling all the air out. This way, this laundry roll provides you with even more space than what you had at the beginning of the trip. Now, you can use it to put in all the items that you’ve bought.