Mastering Homemade Chicken Bone Broth

Unveiling the Benefits of Chicken Bone Broth

Chicken bone broth is more than just a flavorful addition to soups and stews — it’s a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits. Understanding the nutritional value of chicken bone broth is the first step in harnessing its potential.

Pexels // Bluebird Provisions

Rich in collagen, amino acids, and minerals like calcium and magnesium, homemade bone broth supports gut health, boosts immunity, and promotes radiant skin and hair. Incorporating chicken bone broth into your diet is a simple and delicious way to nourish your body from the inside out.

Crafting the Perfect Batch of Chicken Bone Broth

Creating homemade chicken bone broth is a straightforward process that requires minimal ingredients and equipment. Begin by gathering high-quality chicken bones, such as leftover carcasses from roasted chickens or bones purchased specifically for broth-making. Place the bones in a large stockpot or slow cooker and cover them with water.

Add aromatics like onions, carrots, celery, garlic, and herbs to enhance the flavor of the broth. Simmer the mixture over low heat for several hours, allowing the flavors to meld and the nutrients to be extracted from the bones. Skim off any impurities that rise to the surface during cooking to ensure a clear and flavorful broth.

Storing and Enjoying Homemade Chicken Bone Broth

Once your chicken bone broth has simmered to perfection, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any solids and impurities. Allow the broth to cool before transferring it to airtight containers for storage. Homemade chicken bone broth can be refrigerated for up to five days or frozen for long-term storage.

Storables // Isabella Mitchell

When ready to use, simply reheat the broth and enjoy it as a nourishing standalone beverage or as a base for soups, stews, sauces, and other culinary creations. With its rich flavor and myriad health benefits, homemade chicken bone broth is a versatile and nutrient-packed elixir that’s sure to become a staple in your kitchen.

40+ Times Food Went From “MMMM!” to “DEAR LORD, NOOO!” In a Split Second

“MMMM!” to “NOOO!” Food Fails

The kitchen, as they say, is the heart of every home. After all, this is the room in your house where all that delicious food is made, giving it a special place in the heart of many. But, with all the amazing memories you might create in this room, there will be those times when your memories are not nearly as happy as we have all had them. Still, it’s always funnier when it’s someone else that ends up with those epic food fails. Here are a few of those that we hope to make you forget your own epic food fails!

No, Thank You

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or at least that’s what we have all been taught. So, getting started with a nice one might be a great way to begin your day. However, if we saw something like this, we might reconsider.

No, Thank You

Not sure why this happened, but we know it does happen from time to time. Even still, looking down at a blood-filled egg would curb just about anyone’s appetite, right!?

All for Nothing

One of the best things to do is to get all your ingredients together in a crockpot and head out to work for the day, knowing dinner will be waiting for you when you get home. But that’s only if your pets are well-behaved.

All for Nothing

It seems this woman’s cat was feeling a little hungry and thought no one would know if they snuck a bite. That might have been the case if they hadn’t made such a mess. We feel bad for the woman. Not only is dinner ruined, but she has quite the mess to deal with.

Dreads and Coke

Having a nice cold drink while you are enjoying a ball game is always nice. Not only because it is usually pretty warm outside but because your throat will be dry from cheering on your team. But we are not sure we would be able to drink this after seeing this!

Dreads and Coke

We are sure the person isn’t even aware, but they will be when the person goes to grab that drink and gets a side of dreadlocks with it!


Having a juicy lobster tail with a thick steak is a good dinner and a perfect dish for celebrations. But lobsters can be pretty pricey, so you want to make sure you get a good one. This person probably thought they had one, but looks can be deceiving.


We would be so disappointed if we split that tail open only to find this spark plug laying there. How did that even get in there? We don’t want to know!

Contact Someone

Many of us rely on those little snack packs of treats to get us through the day. Whether you choose crackers or those tasty fruit snacks, you never expect anything strange to be found in those little packs.

Contact Someone

This person who was enjoying those fruit gusher treats came across one that was pretty chewy. When they looked through, it turned out to be this contact. That is just gross!

A Little Something Special

There is nothing like a nice warm chocolate chip cookie! It brings many of us back to our youth and puts a giant smile on our faces. So when there is a new batch, you can bet that almost everyone will be in the kitchen in no time.

A Little Something Special

But if we looked down to see a fly had been baked with that cookie, we would definitely stop dead in our tracks. After all, we are sure that is not one of the ingredients, at least not the way grandma used to make them!

That’s Not Cinnamon

It can be frustrating when the insects outside make their way into your food during the warm summer months. So after weeks of dealing with an ant infestation, we can understand why this person wasn’t thinking clearly. But they should have because then they would have noticed a special surprise in their breakfast.

That’s Not Cinnamon

Though they should have known that maybe that sugary cereal would attract a few of the pests, it seems it didn’t cross their mind. But ants are a delicacy in some places, right? We are sure it’s fine!

How Did You Do That?

We are sure that at least some of us have had the dubious pleasure of eating something that was so tough it felt like our jaw was going to fall off. But what was this guy eating that ended in a trip to the doctor with a dislocated jaw?

How Did You Do That?

That had to be one tough bowl of cereal! Maybe he should have looked at the expiration date because clearly, that cereal was a bit too stale!

Mac-n-Cheese Down!

Many people, when they get together, love to do potlucks. That means everyone brings their signature dish, and it is inevitable that one of those is going to be homemade macaroni and cheese. But, it looks like they are not going to have their macaroni and cheese after all.

Mac-n-Cheese Down!

We would be in tears after working so hard, and this happened — especially with something as yummy as homemade macaroni and cheese. All that we can do is hope they had a backup plan!

I Didn’t Need That Cake Anyway

Like any project in the kitchen, it takes quite a bit of time to make a beautiful cake. If you’re doing a get-together, there is even more pressure because you want it to look amazing too! This is why we are shocked this person didn’t invest in a cake carrier.

I Didn’t Need That Cake Anyway

If they had, they wouldn’t be looking at all their hard work going down the drain! For those on a diet, though, this might be a blessing in disguise.

Rotten to the Core

Most fruits and vegetables rot from the outside. So it’s easy to see when something needs to be thrown away. But if there are some unwanted tenants in the apple, it might go the opposite way.

Rotten to the Core

We would have probably thrown up if we bit into this apple and found this! At the very least, there would have been some spitting out of what we just bit into.

Clean Your Pantries

We all know that canned goods and boxed foods have an expiration date, But many of us never think about that this also includes the spice rack. But they have expirations too, and a bad-tasting seasoning can ruin a whole dish.

Clean Your Pantries

This poor guy found that out the hard way. The fact this pepper was so old means no one in the house has ever gone through that spice rack!

Loose Lids Sink Meals

When you live in a house with multiple cooks, sometimes there are accidents because of the carelessness of the other. Things like making sure the jars are all securely sealed may seem like a bit of common sense, but it may not be for everyone!

Loose Lids Sink Meals

This meal got a little extra spicy because of this. We are sure it will still taste well, just make sure everyone has water in their glasses.

Burning Man

Sometimes when you are not feeling well, all you want is a bowl of hot soup. If you live on your own, that might mean you have to make it and then crawl back into bed so you can get all covered up.

Burning Man

But you have to be very careful when you do that; otherwise, you will wind up like this poor guy! No one should have to go to the doctor because of Ramen!

No Pasta for You!

One epic food fail is terrible, but when it happens multiple times in a row, someone is trying to tell you something. The fact that this person tried to make pasta twice after the first one burned down shows real dedication.

No Pasta for You!

If we knew that the pot was going to break on our third pasta cooking attempt, we would be reaching for the phone, to order that pasta from someplace else of course!

That Is a Unique Flavor

Sometimes you get those late-night cravings, and instead of bothering everyone, you sneak to the kitchen. This might mean you are eating things in low light, but even if we were blind, we would have realized that there is something wrong with this sweet treat!

That Is a Unique Flavor

We are not sure how this person didn’t realize there was something fuzzy on their cookie and a slightly off-taste. They must have been pretty hungry!

Chewy Beef

When meat is processed, all of the yucky bits are removed. Things like bones and veins are not the easiest to eat and are kind of gross. This beef, though, must not have been really processed! It would have been a disturbing surprise if we found it in our beef.

Chewy Beef

This definitely would erase our hunger real quick. After all, beef is not supposed to be tough and chewy, right!

Time to Disconnect

With the world being so hectic and busy, many people try to multitask while they are eating. This means using their devices to do things like answer texts and emails from coworkers and bosses. But doing this could end up with some pretty epic fails.

Time to Disconnect

It is a good thing that most phones nowadays are liquid proof. But maybe this is a sign that this person should put it aside when it comes to dinner time.

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Who doesn’t want a nice ice cream one on a hot day? It is the best way to enjoy your time out by the seaside, but you have to be prepared. Those seagulls out there are familiar with human food and will go after just about anything!

We All Scream for Ice Cream

It is cool, though, that this person was able to catch this food failure and preserve it in a photo. This way, they share the story, and people will believe them!

Five-Second Rule?

Remember when you were a kid, and you would drop something on the floor. No one asked questions on whether they were supposed to eat that or not. That is as long as you were able to pick it up in that five-second timeframe.

Five-Second Rule?

So we think this guy should go back to those days. Otherwise, they might end up pretty hungry. Of course, that is only if they have swept the floor recently; otherwise, maybe they should call it done!

Look Out!

It can be a good evening if you get to watch your favorite show and enjoy a nice meal. But if you are someone who is not as agile as others, maybe you should make that trip in several different laps.

Look Out!

We feel bad for this person and hope that they are okay. Other than losing their meal, they seem to have damaged their wall with their head. Let’s hope they are fine!

No Smell

When you work all the time, it might be hard to ensure a nutritious and good meal on the table. That is why many people love crockpot meals. All you do is set it and turn it on. Then when you get home, your house will smell nice, and dinner will be ready.

No Smell

But the trick is it has to have the power. We would have been so mad if we were this person. It’s something so easy, and they were still able to mess it up. Maybe the kitchen just isn’t for them!

Uncle Ben, Why?

Premade side dishes can save you a lot of time when getting ready to make food. But just like everything else, you have to pay attention to the expiration date. Otherwise, you might wind up with something like this that seems to have been growing for quite a while!

Uncle Ben, Why?

That doesn’t look very appealing for sure. We would have been very upset and not even have been able to hold it like this for a photo.

What Was That?

Cookware is meant to be able to stand up to high heat. So, we’re not sure what happened here, but we might ask for our money back. They’re right, though — it seems dangerous to try to eat this meal.

What Was That?

We hope this wasn’t the only component of their dinner, though. It looks like it was going to be pretty amazing, but the powers that be had different plans for them.

Excuse Me, Fluffy

Whether you have kids running around or the four-legged furry kind of children, sometimes they want to be near you at all times. This can be quite treacherous when it comes to you carrying things up or downstairs.

Excuse Me, Fluffy

We would be so mad at ourselves for trying this. There might also be a few questions about the intentions of that cat! They chose now to want some attention that seems suspicious to us!

Chill Out

When you’re transporting food, you have to be very careful, or you might end up with a mess like this. Not only do you have to take those turns carefully, but you need to be alert as to what the other drivers are doing.

Chill Out

But hey, at least the whole dish wasn’t lost. It still looks like they have plenty in the pot. It does suck that they will have to stop and clean their car before getting to the party, though!

Wrong Dish

When using the oven, you are dealing with extremely high temperatures. That is why special dishes are made to be used in the oven. But if you are new to this, maybe you won’t know that!

Wrong Dish

We’re sure that the recipe called for an oven-safe dish, and they just didn’t know how to tell if that’s what they had! Even still, they will undoubtedly make sure next time because of this failure!

No Soup for You!

When you’re not feeling good, having the ability to order soup to be delivered to your home is a nice luxury to have. But, that’s only true if the delivery guy is careful and doesn’t spill it as this one did!

No Soup for You!

We think the driver should have stayed a few extra minutes and helped this poor person clean up the mess they made. Don’t you?

Toppings on the Side

Pizza is a good go-to when you’re hungry, if you’re not sure what you want. This is because pizza is just your go-to food. But typically, you expect the toppings to be evenly distributed over the top of the pizza.

Toppings on the Side

The only thing we wonder about is how fast was the delivery guy going if this is the end result!

So Sad!

When something takes so long to prepare, losing it is very sad. In fact, we would not be surprised if prior to taking this photo this person spent some time in tears before recollecting themselves.

So Sad!

From what we can see, it looks like it was going to be delicious too, but someone had slippery hands! It might have been good to let the dish sit until it was cooler, so there was no chance of this happening.

Wrong Bag

Getting chores done while heading out to work can save you time when you get home. So, taking the trash out on your way is a good habit to follow. But, you have to make sure that you’re throwing away the right bag.

Wrong Bag

We want to know how this happened. Maybe the person needs to invest in actual trash bags so he doesn’t wind up with his cat’s litter box remains instead of his lunch!

Plastic Pizza

Quick and easy meals are great, especially for those that have no kitchen skills. Popping a frozen pizza in the oven and having a nice hot pizza ready in just 40 minutes is awesome. But, you have to read the instructions first!

Plastic Pizza

If you ask us, this person kind of got what they deserved. Because we’re sure, they didn’t read the instructions very carefully. Typically, the first thing that you should do is to remove plastic!

Too Much Pressure

Pressure cookers are amazing gadgets for the kitchen that allow you to braise things in a short period. But, they can be pretty dangerous too if you don’t know how to use them. Just check out the scene of this crime!

Too Much Pressure

Someone did not pay attention to the pressure that was building. We just hope there was no human in the vicinity when this happened. The kitchen can be repaired, but a human might not survive this!

Hot Lava

Some things have to be carefully watched when you are cooking with them. Though you should be attentive to everything on a stove, things like sauces or sugars need to be monitored closely because they can turn into this.

Hot Lava

Though we are not sure what was in that sauce that did this, we’re sure it cannot smell that great in that kitchen!

What a Spectacle!

If you have glasses, we are sure that you spend quite a bit of time looking for them. You set them down somewhere and walk off only to realize later they are missing. This person must have been looking for them for hours before someone realized where their glasses were.

What a Spectacle!

This bread is going to need to be remade. Though we are shocked that the glasses survived the heat. Those are some good glasses!

One Ring

What happened here? Most of the time, the pizza is frozen when it goes into the oven. Maybe this person thought they had to defrost the pizza before cooking it? Whatever happened, they are going to have a few minutes of clean-up!

One Ring

But hey, at least the crust got crispy. This means there may be something they can redeem from this epic food fail! If it were us, we would probably just start from scratch, though, and really pay attention to the instructions!

I’ve Been Mugged

Having a nice brownie after your meal is a good treat. There are so many new ways to do this that you never have to go without dessert. Things like coffee cup brownies are fun and easy.

I’ve Been Mugged

But apparently not too easy because this person seems to have messed it up pretty well. It kind of looks like the brownie is forming the cup.

Look Out!

When a pressure cooker is done, you have to release the pressure. This can actually be a tedious process as you have to be very careful not to burn yourself with the steam. Typically though, you don’t have to protect yourself from things flying through the air!

Look Out!

This looks like maybe the pressure got too much for this gadget, and it just had to explode. This sounds too familiar: sometimes you just can’t keep it inside and you just gotta explode!

Expanding the Menu

The trick with rice is proper measurement and patience. But along with those, you need to make sure you have the right pot. Rice expands as it cooks, but hey, maybe this person didn’t know that. It does look like the rice was cooked pretty well.

Expanding the Menu

Plus, if they think about this, they could turn this fail around. It will be easy to portion out this way. All they have to do is slice layers of rice off and place them on the plate!

Flambéed Pasta?

When you cook spaghetti, most people will break the pasta in half when they don’t have the right-sized pot. But if you come from an Italian household that is just sacrilegious so you will suffer before you actually commit that sin!

Flambéed Pasta?

This person must have grown up like this, otherwise, their pasta wouldn’t be on fire. The sad thing about it is that they actually had the right-sized pot— it’s actually behind.