Hilarious Windshield Notes Written For The Worst Parkers

What A Superstar

While trying to make a clear point as to the driver’s poor parking, this person made a joke out of it, hoping that the driver will not want someone flying across his car and will learn his lesson.

What A Superstar

A Pinch Of Spite

There is nothing like being a little passive aggressive to get your point across and having to state the obvious for the recipient to understand. The writer of this note seemed to keep things tame and polite, but it was the sign off with “Hate you” that really conveyed their message thoroughly. We can all understand their frustration, however, since having to spell things out in black and white when it can so clearly be seen is a waste of their time.

Photo by Reddit // u/capnmalreynolds

Grammar On Point

The writer of this note was clearly mad at the driver’s parking and wanted them to know exactly how he felt. Rather than just telling them their parking was poor, or that they are a “tool,” the writer went on to write his thoughts down as he went along. That way, his note conveyed a more profound message from the driver to understand. His poor parking will make someone mad, waste their time in writing a note, question their grammar, and get more mad. A terrible turn in their day.

Photo by Bytesdaily // BytesMaster

Nobody Likes You

It must be a difficult situation to be a person who abides by society’s laws and watches how other people completely take advantage. This witty writer was having none of it and wanted to let the driver know that nobody likes them when they do not work with others to keep society afloat. Perhaps a harsh comment to make, and to a complete stranger it is just forming a presumptuous conclusion. We guess that is what happens when people don’t park in an appropriate manner!

Photo by Cheezeburger // anlyin